Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Mad Max Fury Road - Framerate

Manipulated Frame Rate

“Something like 50 or 60 percent of the film is not running at 24 frames a second, which is the traditional frame rate,” said Seale. “It’ll be running below 24 frames because [director] George Miller, if he couldn’t understand what was happening in the shot, slowed it down until you could. Or if it was too well understood, he’d shorten it or he’d speed it up back towards 24. His manipulation of every shot in that movie is intense.”

The manipulation of the frame rate in my animation could disorientate the audience even more; slowing the animation down so that they can can get a better gauge of the projection, to then speed up the transitions as to throw the audience off kilter.


Have changed the duration imagery is on screen in some of frames to add a sense of unpredictability. In the video above, you can see the change in transition speed between the imagery, increasing the intensity of the shot.

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