Wednesday, 22 January 2020



Photo's taken by Will Finn from around Nowa Huta, documenting architecture and snippets of everyday life there, segmented and cut up over a two page A4 spread as to allude to the splintering of communist rule in Nowa Huta. 

Titled 'NARRATIVE', the publication aims to present a story (through photography) that feels broken up and hard to follow. The pictures present snippets of Will Finn's photo's from Nowa Huta but never present the full picture/story; reminiscent of how the vision of the Nowa Huta is one of the architectural and industrial focal points of the socialist/communist regime in Poland in the 1950s, never reached its full desired outcome due to the collapse of the USSR. The space/cutting of the images, creating more white space, was also partly inspired by the abundance of parks and large green areas that can be found in Nowa Huta, providing 

With Filler Text

The type will sit on the borders of white space - imagery; as to present the sense of 'freedom and flowing of movement' that the parks and open spaces provide in amongst the bustling city. 

Front + Back cover ideas

Following the same segmented form of the imagery in the 'Narrative' publication, the type is fragmented an incomplete as to further communicate the idea of the possibility of this 'model proletariat city' which didn't come to fruition. 

The typesetting of the title in these examples would fill both the back and front cover right to the edge (extending beyond the trim edge) to communicate the strong focus of the title within the publication.   

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