Friday, 17 January 2020



You will work collaboratively to respond to a minimum of one live / competition brief of your choice. The project will be rigorously developed over the duration of the module and should allow you to demonstrate your ability to develop effective responses within professionally realistic deadlines.You will need to:

  • Find a creative partner/team based on the possibilities of your collaborative practice. Complete the collaborative practice form provided in order to identify your individual and joint interests, abilities, roles and responsibilities.
  • You will need to complete the creative partnership form, project rationale and a timetable before beginning your project.


  • How do you balance what you want to do with the brief’s requirements?
  • Does the brief offer enough scope for you to develop a range of responses?
  • What is the timescale of the brief? Are you working to it?
  • How do you keep it interesting for yourself?
  • Is it something you want to do and can see yourself doing in the future?
  • Have you clearly identified what the problem is before you start?
  • What do you need to produce and how will you present it?
'Why should I collaborate?
'Who will I work with?'
'What brief will we choose?'
'How will I be assessed?' - you will be assessed on your own individual ability to plan, negotiate, manage, record and evaluate your individual contribution to a collaborative project. It is essential that you thoroughly document your own research, development and production activities in response to the brief as well as your own on-going evaluation of your joint decisions working practices.


You will need to submit evidence of individual and joint problem analysis, research activities, project management and design development appropriate to your chosen brief.

Responses to this brief should be be presented on your Studio Practice Blog
  • Studio practice blog – Demonstrating a range of approaches to the sourcing, collecting and responding to a breadth of primary and secondary forms of information and material. Please label this "OUGD503". You may also want to submit any sketchbooks or notebooks
  • Practical outcomes – Your final outcomes, proposals or any submission packs (presentations, videos etc)
  • A portfolio – presenting your final outcomes alongside a rationale/statement
  • Written evaluation (500 words) – Your final blog post

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