Monday, 28 October 2019

Material scans - Anti Books

Bind - I have used a perfect bind on this mock up as I wanted this book to have a quick turnaround, as I wanted to present and produce the raw qualities of the imagery with a process that has the same characteristics.  The imagery are extreme close up stills of materials that have been manufactured on Kelham Island (clothe, steel) and building surfaces from around the Island, mostly from the old steel works. While the page bind originates from the same baseline, all the pages are at a different scale. This was an effort to present the raw and 'undesirable' aesthetic of the grainy imagery - the reader flicks through the book, having to go back on themselves on some pages adding an unnecessary task to reading the book. There was no need for type in this book as the aim was to keep to the theme of being raw and 'undesirable' with a book that isn't instantly engaging or understandable, and I feel text would have taken away from the obscure aesthetic by adding too much context.  The paper stock is 120 gsm cartridge paper (pink and white) - again not to add any sort of obvious context to the book, I have used basic 120 gsm cartridge paper simply out of accessibility to have a quick turnaround; while a more responsive un-coated stock would have brought out the grainy textures more vividly, the aim of this book was to go against the recommended processes. 

This fold out concertina booklet follows the same principles as the book above. It uses the same obscure imagery of materials from around Kelham Island, but presents it in a concertina fold/bind that allows for the message, 'GENTRIFICATION IS HAPPENING' to be read clearly over the front and back spread; drawing more context to the project brief. 

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