Thursday, 14 May 2020

Website Mock ups (home + about page)


With each design/mockup, I have tried to give present a site with its own visual identity/branding. With the aim of creating a website that accurately presents the works of up and coming artists, through toned down UI design and personalized layouts/composition (image layout) of chosen artists works (alongside interviews with artists).

The first consists of a simple black, white and yellow colour palette, this is to keep the design of the website minimal yet still interesting to look at (through simple yet interesting shape and icon designs). I made the icons (menu, artist profile, contact, search) and the arrows (which reference the pointing of 'look at that') rounded at their ends, as to subtly promote a soft and approachable aesthetic. The branding of the website is key to its success, and I feel this aesthetic and the composition of the page could be transferred simply to other pages on the website (about page, menu page, artists profile (placement/composition would differ slightly depending on artists style of work) and contact page)

The 2nd home page design introduces more colour and texture to the initial 'flag page'. This layout design decision was made to see if more colour and texture make a better initial impact then the first design. The colours do make the UI look brighter and welcoming but I don't think I'd consistently be able to use this across the whole website as the composition of it all looks cluttered and their would-be space to present work clearly.

With the next design, I edited the design of the icons (menu + search) so that they didn't take up as much space on the page, and placed the about section right under the main header for the website home page. With all of my designs, I'm aiming for all the content on the website to be viewed through one continuous scroll, with the icons serving as a shortcut to the relevant parts of the page.

The next design (home + here is the one I'm most likely to go with. I have taken elements from all the other designs t create a page that has a minimal aesthetic, but as you read the page, you re drawn into different sections through the use of patterns and shapes created by me. The UI composition has arrow icons and repeated type as to reference the need to look at the content.
This composition fits best into the UI of a continuous scroll, the icons, shapes and patterns have been evenly spread, allowing for composition that has a clear identity and is interesting enough to make the user keep scrolling.
There may be a break in the continuous scrolling function when it comes to artists pages, and instead, incorporate tile like links that would take you to the individual artists' pages. The spaced-out layout allows for the edit and moving around of content to fit the style of each artists profile.
'//' would fall down the side the whole site, as to accentuate the continuous scroll + it adds another element for the reader to view as their scrolling (almost like a wave flowing)

The final home page design again takes elements from all previous designs, with a more impactful initial impression through the use of colour and large tiles, the page feels full and welcoming. I'm undecided whether to use this as the homepage or the previous design as I could still design the 'about' page the same as the 2 to last design as it's using the same pattern. Although this may not be as effective when it comes to the individual patterns and images used on the artist profile pages.

To Decide:
- Whether to keep composition completely consistent throughout all pages OR use more impactful colourful homepage and earlier design for 'about' page etc. 
- Whether to make artists profiles part of continuous scroll or linked tiles. (continuous scroll would make it that the user would see each profile, links would make it quicker to navigate) 

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