Tuesday, 19 May 2020


The aim of Look At That site was to tackle the question 'What qualities do different formats bring to the quality of distribution', and to present this through a tailored website that distributes/promotes the work of up and coming artists in the Leeds area. The site has a clear branding through its' use of geometric shape, repeated text, the spacing of content and the use of colour and pattern on its home pages and info/contact pages.

When we then switch to artists pages, the focus is on the artist work and their style of working. With the composition changing drastically to accommodate the style of the artists' works. This has been presented again through the choice and editing of typefaces to fit the individual work, the spacing of content and the use of colour and most importantly clear presentation of the artists project(s)


(video link  of the working website below)


Screenshot of all the pages/sections found on the website. 

Menu Page

Contact page

Artist Pages

Featured artists on the website. These artist pages are directly linked to the home page, with the focus on the user being able to quickly navigate through the lot. The artist pages differ from the home page in their aesthetic as the aim was to present the style of the work being presented by adapting all the components of the artists' page to fit the aesthetic of the work being presented. This was achieved through large imagery of the work dominating the spacing of the space (differing to the spacing of content on the home page) and the use of the same typefaces as used in the works and select parts of the page being coloured in the same as seen in the work. There were still elements used from the home page to keep the consistency throughout the site (arrows) which were then amalgamated with the new elements taken from the artists' work (colour)  

I did try using the same layout as the home page (spaced out imagery/content/with patterns and shapes) but the artist works felt lost within it and didn't pop out to the viewer. So I chose to use large imagery of the work that filled the composition, making the artists work the focal point of the site page.

Joely Swerdlow - (Helvetica, yellow layer to link work and site design)

Tom Wilson  - (Times, purple layer to link work and site design)

Rory Taylor  - (Comfortaa, bright red layer to link work and site design)

Will Finn  - (Arial, royal red layer to link work and site design)


Again approaching the question of, 'What qualities do different formats bring to the quality of distribution',  'Look At That' Instagram page, presents some of the posters made for the Look At that Brand, with highlights presenting selected artists from the website profiles and work; while distributing the works of the featured artists on the website, on a platform that is more widely used across a whole range of demographics. The website and Instagram used in conjunction with one another will allow for Look At That to reach mobile users and computer users.


A set of posters distributed in conjunction with website and Instagram page. these posters will be displayed around Leeds as to further promote the brand of 'Look At That', and that artist that are being promoted through it. 

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