Friday, 10 April 2020

Display options VR + models

How does this influence the audiences view??? ]\

Web XR 

Looking into virtual reality modeling online. I'd like to experiment with this media as a form of presenting/promoting other people's work, but neither my phone nor laptop is compatible with the required VR functions.

"The WebXR Device API provides access to input (pose information from headset and controllers) and output (hardware display) capabilities commonly associated with Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) devices. It allows you to develop and host VR and AR experiences on the web."

What You Don't Know
Jono & Mr. Doob
"Dive into the creative process of avant-pop artist Matthew Dear from his new single of the same name. Floating above you is a magic eight-ball reciting lyrics. In the distance, planetary objects orbit around you to the beat. And directly ahead is an elastic donut that bounces, bulges, and twists to the complex melodies."

Interactive studio space

Download 3d models 

I'm looking into presenting 3d modelling as a substitute for VR, as my laptop can view these. Presenting all the models found, in a sort of gallery/landscape could be an appropriate media to use. This would allow the user to guide themselves through the 'landscape' to view artists work.
download as obj file

2D Designs 

I will need to find other forms of presenting other artwork (2D), but in a format that can be accessed online.  How could this best present that format??

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