Monday, 30 September 2019

Village Books

Protest Art 

(Oil print - context implemented into production) 

Symbolism (stickers/small prints)

Community/Gentrification (photography)

Woven fabric Cover 

Initial Idea/themes

  • Place - brought together through simple aesthetic 
  • Forgotten spaces - how can we bring lively atmosphere back to these places 
  • Community - grass-route community projects that look to add a new lease of life to an area/Bring a community together through people working together
  • Colour - Geometric shapes in bold, bright block colours - puzzle format (screen-print or gif)
  • Transfer - into other everyday aspects our society (train tickets + public seating) 
  • Corporate - Looking at art that has the intention of challenging corporate influence 
  • Protest - Photo's from communities in Leeds protesting (extinction rebellion) (posters) 
  • Gentrification
  • Slogans - protest or community involvement based 

Colour Shape form

Sunday, 29 September 2019


Ash Road

Reinvented Spaces 

Virgin Boxes 

Designs from students at Leeds Art Uni, the Virgin Boxes project was intended to brighten the street scene in the Ash Road area through regenerating  a dull everyday feature in our streets, Virgin media box blocks. 


  1. Regenerating forgotten/ordinary spaces in our community (visual Identity) 
  2. Using community projects (grassroute) to encourage people to get together to brighten/bring life to their local areas.
  3. Transferring this creative outlet to other strands of our everyday life i.e. train tickets, post boxes, public furniture. - having a place where people can express themselves without being scrutinised. 
  4. Gentrification and Protest art 

Regenerating Forgotten Spaces

Redesigning the Virgin boxes around the Ash Road area has transformed something which is easily forgotten, into an object that draws people's attention, and brings the whole of Ash road together through one simple aesthetic change. 

Transfer Creative Outlet  

This project however simple gave a whole area (headingley) a new visual identity through creatives means.
This could simply be transferred into many other strands of our communities; whether that’s through small features such as virgin boxes or post boxes, or on a much wider scale like train tickets or bus banners in different communities.

Reimagined Found Objects 


This project shows how simply a community (Art Uni + Council) can completely transform an area and the associated perception of it, through creative methods.


  • Wall built up with art over a long time 
  • ‘Tax dodging flamingo nonces’ 
  • Corporate company cover up of public area for local graffiti artists.
  • Allowing people to express themselves and their community through art/regenerating their surroundings in a legal way. 

 Protest Art 


OUGD504 Brief 

Deadline: 29/11/19

Brief 1: Design for print 

Brief 2: Design for screen 

  1. Studio practice blog – Labelled OUGD504 SB1
  2. Design boards (PDF uploaded to blog) Rationale, Research, Initial ideas, Development, Final Outcome, Evaluation & Finished physical publication.
  3. Final Publication – Submitted physically in submission folder and clearly labelled with your name.
  4. Written summative evaluation (500 words )(Uploaded to blog) - Demonstrating your ability to communicate reflective observations on your own work and design practice in relation to appropriate contextual references and technical practices. 'Understanding whats involved in the process for print + screen' 

This Week:

  • Develop a concept/rationale for your publication & fill in your brief form. We will be discussing this on Friday.
  • Conduct further research, reflect on research – Fill in any gaps.
  • Think about additional content you may need to gather…
  • Production develop and design starts next week. Be prepared. 

Build a publication based on summer brief

How will the minor details of the project and research influence the aesthetic and feel of the book:
  • i.e. swimming book outer made from swimsuit material. 
  • How will you hold the book? 
  • will there be a band in the book that you use? 
  • How will you promote the book (banners - protest) 

Look at OUGD504 Books folder tab

How will you communicate the concept of the book through the photo's of it? 

Experiments, developments, prototypes:

  • type and layout
  • photo quality/editing 
  • preparing your document to print